TREAT YOSELF (Self Care) Checklist

One of my nursing professors in college drilled into us how important self-care is. Especially in a profession where compassion and empathy are at the forefront, and the risk for burnout is so high, self-care is make or break life practice. I developed a quick daily self-care checklist a few years back, and I’m so excited to share it with you! I had it framed, and displayed in on my wall each year in my dorm. Five years later, those daily self-care practices have become habits!

  • Work out…get moving!
  • Take your vitamins
  • Pray
  • Light a candle
  • Drink a gallon of water
  • Coffee in the AM…herbal tea in the PM
  • Floss
  • Call/text a friend

This list is verbatim from what I had framed in my dorm. While I don’t have this on display in my home today, these self care practices are now mindless daily rituals. Some may seem like no-brainers (like helloooo natalie you had to remind yourself to floss?), but a written reminder really does help! Self-care looks different for each person, my sister Stephanie, who’s pictured with me above will treat herself to a spa day or a massage once in awhile. There is no wrong way to do self-care. Whatever it is that helps you find your zen among life’s crazy twists and turns…write it down…put it on the wall or your mirror…and do it! You’ll thank me later 🙂

Check out this post from Develop Good Habits for more awesome ideas!