My Experience in Early Labor with Baby Number Two

As a mother of two (I can now officially say that!!), each pregnancy and childbirth journey brings with it a unique set of emotions, challenges, and joys. Today, I want to share with you my incredible experience in early labor with baby number two, our son, Graham. It was a rollercoaster of emotions (mainly denial lol), but one filled with love, anticipation, and strength. Join me as I take you through the magical and stressful moments of my early labor with our newest addition to the family.


Preparation and Anticipation for Early Labor with Baby Number Two

The days leading up to my due date were a mix of excitement and nerves. As a seasoned mother of one, I thought I had it all figured out when it came to recognizing the early signs of labor. However, as I approached the final weeks of my pregnancy with our second bundle of joy, I quickly realized that every pregnancy can be quite different.

Our firstborn, Stella, was a full ten days late. So, naturally, I mentally prepared myself for an overdue baby. In fact, the day of my 40 week midwife appointment – I met up with my college best friends for a day out by the pool at a local resort. I had ZERO plans of delivering on time, and the thought of going into labor any sooner than at least a week late never even crossed my mind.

Despite my presumptions that I’d deliver late like I did with Stella, Taylor and I made sure everything was ready for our baby’s arrival – the nursery was lovingly prepared, the bags were packed, and our support system was on standby.


The Early Signs

When I delivered Stella, I was SO past due, and so afraid of an impending induction date as my plan was for an unmedicated, natural birth. I had done everything under the sun to try to induce labor – spicy food, sex, nipple stimulation, ingesting castor oil, birthing ball bouncing, exercise, curb walking – you name it! This time around, other than eating dates daily, and drinking raspberry leaf tea daily from 36 weeks on, I hadn’t really tried to induce labor. At least I didn’t plan on it until I would hit the 41 week mark. Little did I know, Graham had other plans.

The early morning of Graham’s birthdate, July 18th, I started having dull, mildly painful contractions. They were painful enough to wake me up, but not painful enough to keep me from sleeping in between. This lasted about 3am to 6am. And things kind of slowed after that. I later woke up around 9am, and passed what looked like my mucus plug. I called my mom, and gave her a heads up, that something might be happening. But that it was far too soon for us to go in.

In that moment, I truly thought a very long, lengthy process was just starting. And that delivery wouldn’t be for a few days. In my mind, I was only 3 days past my due date of July 15th, and there was no way Graham could possibly come that early (I laugh to myself now thinking back…)

It was subtle, but I knew those inconsistent contractions and bloody discharge were signs of early labor. I tried to stay calm, knowing that this was just the beginning of what I thought would be a long labor.


Embracing the Contractions of Early Labor with Baby Number Two

Later, around 9am that day, Stella and I FaceTimed my mom, and I comfort nursed Stella for about 30 minutes. After the significant nipple stimulation and expression of colostrum that is breastfeeding in your third trimester, my contractions ramped up a little bit. More frequent, yet still irregular.

I was thinking how reminiscent these irregular contractions felt to Stella’s early labor. Which made me think I have a good 2-3 days of this before a delivery. Yet, something just felt different, ominous even. 

I bounced on our birthing ball for about an hour before Taylor put Stella down for a nap. I then put on my favorite bump friendly workout pants and sports bra, and drove to the gym. Still with intermittent, but tolerable, contractions. 

I’m not usually one to film my workouts. Or film content at the gym in general. I’m a usual gym rat, get in, do my workout, get out. But something about my workout that day felt different, I just had a feeling this might be my last workout ever with a bump. 

Check out my reel here on Instagram to see me during my last workout while pregnant.

early labor with baby number two

The Workout that Helped Labor Progress

150 Flights of Stairs on the StairMaster, level 4. 2 miles walking on the treadmill, incline 9.0, speed 3.0

I was having contractions about 1-3 minutes apart during my entire workout, but they were brief, and not intense enough for me to stop moving.

Disclaimer: As a mother and nurse, I must emphasize that engaging in intense workouts during labor can pose significant risks to both the expectant mother and her baby. Labor is a delicate and strenuous process that requires focused attention on progress and well-being. Prioritizing safety and consulting with healthcare providers is paramount to ensure a positive birthing experience for both mother and child.

With the above said, it felt SO good to be so mobile in those final moments of my pregnancy. While I didn’t know for sure that workout would be my last as a pregnant mama; I’m so glad I documented it, as it was, in fact, my last workout with a bump!

A good workout is like therapy for me; and amidst the insane emotions of labor, the endorphin rush of a good workout and listening to empowering music was exactly what my body needed.


Upon returning home from the gym, I took my time showering, washing my hair, doing my makeup, interacting with Stella, packing up the car. Pausing intermittently to breathe and squat through contractions.

At 6PM, when I comfort nursed Stella again, the early labor I had been experiencing all day very quickly changed…

This post is just part one of the story! Stay tuned for a conclusive blog post sharing the full saga of Graham’s Birth Story in the coming days.

To Wrap up my Thoughts on Early Labor with Baby Number Two

Reflecting on my early labor experience with my second baby fills me with immense gratitude and awe. Through a solid workout, as well as the pain and exhaustion, the love and anticipation prevailed, reminding me that motherhood is a journey like no other – one of strength, resilience, and boundless love.

Early labor reminded me that the journey to childbirth is a true marvel, with each phase offering its own set of emotions, challenges, and rewards. Additionally, early labor looks different for every mama! DO WHAT FEELS RIGHT FOR YOUR MIND AND YOUR BODY. For me, that was a long workout!


As I spend some time reflecting on the remainder of our birth experience, and write part two of the saga, please join me on Instagram in sharing my experience in Early Labor with Baby number two.

Moms- I’d love to learn your own experience with labor with your second baby!

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early labor with baby number two